Fifteen And Feeling Great: A Decade And A Half Of Altos
They say the best things in life take time. To be honest, we’ve always been a bit more about the present (and the near future), with our eye fixed pretty firmly on what’s happening now, and what we can expect in the months ahead. But once in a while it’s important to look back and reflect - and our fifteenth anniversary this June offered the perfect opportunity.
While we don’t like to take too much time to dwell on the past, taking this opportunity to share stories about the early days of Altos - from our humble origins as a design shop to the multi-pronged marketing, development, and design agency we’ve become - has been a rich and rewarding experience.
Plus, we got a sweet video out of it.
In the words of our fearless leader Tony, “We want you to be a part of this.” Take a look at what our team has to say about a decade and a half of Altos, and why we’re so excited for the years ahead.

Pretty Great, Right?
Like we said, our team is pretty amazing, and their talent is inspiring enough to keep us moving forward each and every day.
The filming process was a bunch of fun too. That clean background you see behind everyone is actually our /Footer conference room, known far and wide for its impressive A/C power and unexpected ability to fit multiple lights, cameras, and interview subjects over three days of filming.

We may have a pretty tight culture around the office, but this was one of the best times we’ve ever had picking everyone’s brains on their honest thoughts about Altos. When all was said and done, we had a lot of gold left on the cutting room floor - but the final edit is something really special, and we were more than happy to share it with the world.
Fortunately, this video was only one part of a pretty special celebratory week around here. Between Mimosa Monday, a fun Altos Quotes quiz game on Tuesday, cupcakes and coffee on Wednesday, our Crown Tavern outing (and video grand premiere) on Thursday, and Fuel Up Friday, our Fifteenth Birthday week was nothing less than lit - and made us seriously excited for the next fifteen years.

We’re Excited For What’s Ahead. You Too?
Although Altos may not quite be old enough to drive, we’ve had an impressive team behind the wheel for a long time - and we’re always excited to see what roads their drive, talent, and creativity are going to take us down in the future.
The best part? We’re always looking for partners to add to our story. Whether you’re a longtime friend of ours or looking to make one, we’re always all ears and looking for new challenges to take on together. When you’re ready to start looking forward, get in touch and let’s get going on the next fifteen years - because there’s a lot of great stories out there waiting to be told, and yours might just be the best one yet.